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Find Early Steelhead in Great Lake Tributaries

Spoons, spinners, plugs and more can produce consistent action.

Find Early Steelhead in Great Lake Tributaries

Gaudy flies can often trigger aggressive responses from spring steelhead, but baitfish-imitating streamers also work well. (Shutterstock image)

Steelhead provide some of the earliest open-water fishing of the year in the Midwest. Early in March we’ll be fishing for steelhead that are already in the rivers, but thaws and rains also bring fresh steelies into Great Lakes tributaries as the month progresses. The rivers are typically very cold, but steelhead are relatively unique in that they’ll actively chase and hit lures even when the water is frigid. Choosing tributaries that already hold steelhead is key to early-spring success, as is using the right presentations to locate and ultimately catch them.


Summer steelhead, by definition, are already in the tributaries when winter starts to...

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